Executive Summary
This deliverable is the result from the Task 4.4; recommendations for the Roadmap and its learning companion, led by the project partner HVL, and in collaboration with project partner UEdin, planned for, and conducted during the Months 24-26 of the project implementation. Based on their series of activities and events at each of the SENSE. STEAM Labs, and the data collection and evaluation, inputs and recommendations have been collected for each step of the Roadmap and on the learning companion as the core element of the roadmap.
In preparation of this deliverable and based on the report on implementation activities of the STEAM Labs, prepared by PHW, as well as the report on SENSE. evaluation of the four policy areas, prepared by UEdin and HVL, as well as the policy recommendations from WP5 and WP6, a set of key recommendations from the implementation activities and the cross-cutting issues were drafted by UEdin. This was followed by drafting the set of recommendations for the roadmap and the learning companion by HVL, in harmony with the initial outline of the roadmap delivered by HVL about a year ago.
Accordingly, the document comprises of three main parts, including a summary of key findings from the WP4, WP5 and WP6; recommendations for the learning companion – including recommendations for curricula development at the education system level as well as curricula deployment at the school level; and recommendations for the consolidated SENSE. roadmap to STEAM education.
When it comes to the key findings from the implementation activities and the cross-cutting issues space and social inclusion, among other things, the deliverable at hand points to flexibility and adaptability of the SENSE. methodology across the labs, resulting into re-engagement of participants with STEAM learning, re-activation of their sense of agency and role in tackling key societal challenges, as well as the necessity of expanding the learning space beyond formal institutions, and adaptability of classrooms as spatial bedrock of STEAM learning. These are seen pre-requisite for providing multiple entry points compatible with variety and diversity within and across target groups at various societal levels.
Concerning the recommendations for the learning companion, and building on the mentioned key findings from the implementation activities, the document points to the key principles central to the design and implementation of STEAM-based content across education system, such as the role that human senses can integrally have in developing scientific qualifications of learners, collaborative deployment of STEAM curricula through networked education and open schooling, and the cruciality of access to supportive and explorative spaces for upskilling of learners.
Finally, the document contains recommendations for raising awareness about the SENSE. approach’s advantages through its motivational, methodological, and societal merits. This is supplemented with suggestions on revisiting the development of integrated STEAM content, and relatedly, teacher education methods, to reap the advantages foreseeable from the uptake of the SENSE. approach. Lastly, suggestions are made regarding advocacy for the project’s proposed approach through networking and establishment of a lasting interaction infrastructure.
Further Reading
Read the full deliverable here