One of the main challenges for such a diverse consortium is to establish a commonly shared understanding of key concepts and terms. The SENSE. partners and individuals come from various geographic, social and professional backgrounds and will work together to develop a common terminology, building on existing scientific literature, institutional documents or regulations, as well as other EU projects. This is also to ensure that all project documents and key underpinning concepts and definitions can be understood by anyone interested in STEAM and the SENSE. project results can translate and use them in their local contexts or language. The list of terms presented below will be updated throughout the project.
The project’s implementation activities will take place as part of a set of STEAM Labs, set out to reach potential change agents and enable them to become advocates for STEAM.
Source: SENSE. Description of Action -
Your senses are the physical abilities of sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste. If you sense something, you become aware of it or you realize it, although it is not very obvious. If you say that there is no sense or little sense in doing something, you mean that it is not a sensible thing to do because nothing useful would be gained by doing it.
For Science Technology Engineering Arts and Mathematics. Understanding of the underlying concept behind this acronym is still in progress. During the STEAM DNA workshop held in Bergen in November 2022, questions emerged such as: “What does S of STEAM mean? Is it natural science? Which science? And for the A: is it just Art? Suggestions for the A of STEAM as Attentiveness, Act of translating, Artistic inquiries are insights which need further deepening.
Source: STEAM DNA Workshop results (SENSE. deliverable D3.1) -
The SENSE.STEAM methodology, comprising a dedicated educational model and its pedagogy, with i) STEAM inquiry, ii) citizen science and art practices, iii) learner centredness and iv) reflective feedback as its building blocks.
Source: SENSE. Description of Action