Citizen Science and Art Practices workshop
The citizen science and art practices workshop was hosted by Louvre Museum. The general aim of this workshop is to set context and conditions for participants to get actively involved in Citizen Science (CS) and to explore how CS can be implemented within an art context. We built spaces to collect, experiment and evaluate CS strategies that might be valuable to the SENSE project partners and their communities.
The workshop’s main objectives were to provide a general overview of what CS is and to delve into the skills and competencies needed to develop a complete CS project.
In this sense, special emphasis was paid to educational aspects and CS connections with artistic practices. Participants actively went through the different steps of a CS project with different tools to succeed in the creation and management of their own CS projects, according to their realities and constraints.
The workshop was set up to be an experience in which participants can share their own knowledge, all discussions were open at the same level in a respectful manner, and all activities were created with the purpose of being hands-on and requiring the participation of all members.